Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Chrissy, Ivan and Beck

Gold Coast  Family Portrait Photographer

I recently had some fun with this beautiful family down at the beach, pregnant belly in toll.  
 Little Miss Beck gave me a run for my money that's for sure, but I was truly able to capture some of her beautiful  personality...

Here's a couple from the day, I hope you love them Chrissy, looking forward to showing you the rest. 


  I love capturing the special bond of family's.  Words are never enough to describe the bond between a mother and her children.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Defining Art... Defining Self...

Art;/ aart/ 1. Creation of beautiful Things the creation of beautiful or thought provoking works 2. Skill and Technique involved in producing visual representations. 3.  the skill or ability to do something well

What is art???  Do you need to know about art is to appreciate it or to like it?  Most people know what they like, even if they don't know why.

As a photographer I have been doing a lot of soul searching lately, about my art, and  wondering if I am being true to myself with my photography.  When looking at some of my earlier works, I noticed that my style has changed quite significantly.  This worried me for a while as I wondered if   I've been over influenced by other photographers and trends.  Photography to me has always been about capturing moments, telling a story and feeling people's emotions.  I started to wonder if I had not only been greatly influenced by others, but if I had gotten too caught up in the technical side of things, if the skill of photography had become more important than the essence of the feeling.

As an art student , there was an Australian artist who use to irritate me, I didn't really know why, but I did not like  Ken Done, which I'm sure everyone knows who he is.  It wasn't so much that I didn't like his work, I found it stale,   often the same.  The funny thing is I quite like his works that he has done more recently.  I realise that whilst it still has his flavour and is obvious to the eye that it is his work, he has evolved as an artist, learnt new skills and seen things differently.

Since I first picked up a camera, I have grown as a person, I am always learning new skills and techniques and meeting new and amazing people.

My bookshelves are lined with some of the most beautiful photography books that you could imagine,  and we are so fortunate to have access to this powerful tool the internet, that I have discovered many other photographers and artists that truly amaze and inspire me.  I have also been lucky enough to work alongside some brilliant photographers and blessed to be friends with some of the most amazing photographers around.   

From the Great classic photographers George Hurrell and Athol Smith to modern day wedding photographers, like Joe Bussink, Amy Deputy and Ben Chrisman, the photojournalists Kevin Carter and Michael Coyne and  the amazing photographers and artists that I now call my friends, how can one not be influenced and inspired by others. 

So I realise that yes my work is different now than it was two years ago or seven years ago, but I too have grown and evolved as an artist, I have experienced more of life and seen new things, learnt new skills, been inspired by some amazing people and had the opportunity to photograph some beautiful people.  Which brings me to my car....  Not my yellow lancer but the car on my business card.

An image from the very first wedding I shot, a beautiful old Jag and a personal symbol that represents where I've come from as well as the driving force towards where I am heading.... 

Moments happen and moments can be created, photography to me is still about the  story and capturing the emotion as well as helping to create the moments and the photography experience so that you will be able to cherish the memories and symbols of your own life  through my art, my skills and the way I see the world.

So until next time... So long and thanks for all the fish...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sam and Mat's E - Session

Last weekend I got together with Sam and Mat to take some photos to help celebrate their engagement.  We were joined by their their extended family, Zac the German Shepard and Toby the Border Collie. 

Sam and Mat are a great couple, madly in love and I am looking forward to shooting their wedding in March next year.

Congratulations Guys!

The Family Portrait

Check out that Rock!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Portrait of A lady...

I recently had the pleasure of photographing the beautiful Miss Jayne before she went to her formal.  I know she is dying to see the photos!  All the girls looked lovely, my son asked me if they were fashion models, and my daughter thought that she was very under dressed in her school uniform!   

Love Those Shoes!

Mum was so Proud!  A few tears held back as well I think...

A little encouragement from the Boyfriend...

Monday, November 23, 2009

Crea & Mahaylia

There's something beautiful between the love of a mother and her child that you simply can't put into words.

It was a real honor to photograph these two as they travelled all the way up from Casino NSW to get me to take some beautiful pics of them.

Here's a few favorites, I'm sure the rellies are going to love receiving their pics for Christmas!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Natalie & Jamie Haldane

I always love a wedding!  Natalie and Jamie's was no exception.  Thank you for letting me be a part of your special day!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Kristy and Matt's "E- Session "

I recently had the pleasure of taking the engagement photos for Kristy and Mat  who are getting married  in March next year.    Kristy and Matt love their animals and wanted to include their horse and two dogs in their photo shoot, which was good fun. I am really looking forward to shooting their wedding next year!  Here's a few of my favorites from the day...