Monday, November 30, 2009

Portrait of A lady...

I recently had the pleasure of photographing the beautiful Miss Jayne before she went to her formal.  I know she is dying to see the photos!  All the girls looked lovely, my son asked me if they were fashion models, and my daughter thought that she was very under dressed in her school uniform!   

Love Those Shoes!

Mum was so Proud!  A few tears held back as well I think...

A little encouragement from the Boyfriend...

Monday, November 23, 2009

Crea & Mahaylia

There's something beautiful between the love of a mother and her child that you simply can't put into words.

It was a real honor to photograph these two as they travelled all the way up from Casino NSW to get me to take some beautiful pics of them.

Here's a few favorites, I'm sure the rellies are going to love receiving their pics for Christmas!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Natalie & Jamie Haldane

I always love a wedding!  Natalie and Jamie's was no exception.  Thank you for letting me be a part of your special day!